Articles (425)

  1. Supported Internships for Young People with SEND

    Supported internships are structured, work-based study programmes designed to assist young individuals who require additional support in transitioning to full-time, paid employment. Geared towards those between the ages of 16 and 24 with an Education, Health, and Care plan, supported internships aim to enhance participants'…
  2. Supporting Children with SEN in Schools

    Children usually start school in the September after their 4th birthday, and will stay in education until they are at least 18 years old. Throughout their school years teachers will plan their lessons to make sure that all children can learn at their own pace.…
  3. Supporting pupils with medical conditions

    The Children and Families Act 2014 (Section 100) placed a new statutory requirement on schools to make arrangements for supporting children with medical conditions, supported by related guidance Supporting Pupils at School with Medical Conditions.  
  4. Taxi Card

    If you get the higher rate of Disability Living Allowance (DLA) you can apply for a taxi card that gives you discounted trips in a licensed cab. You can apply for a Taxi Card from Contact Islington.
  5. Team Around the Child

    A Team Around the Child (TAC) is a multi-disciplinary team of practitioners established on a case-by-case basis to support a child, young person or family. TACs support good professional practice in joined-up working, information sharing and early intervention. The model involves: A joined-up assessment, usually…
  6. Tell us what you think

    Complaints about Islington Council If you want to complain, you have the right to do so. Making a complaint won’t affect the services you receive. How to make a complaint Social Services complaints If you have any feedback or wish to make a complaint about…
  7. Terms and Conditions of Use

    By registering with this website, you agree to these terms and conditions ("Terms").  Please read the Terms carefully as they set out your rights and obligation.  They also provide information on how you can submit material (“Content”) and how this will be used. IF WE…
  8. Terrorism and violent extremists

    Terrorism is rare, however people become terrorists for all kinds of reasons  Some of the reasons for people becoming a terrorist include believing their way of life or the things they believe in are under threat, or feeling isolated or insecure. If you are worried…
  9. Test A&G

    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga.
  10. Test Page Venues in Islington

    Test Test Test Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up…
  11. Think you may be pregnant? Need advice?

    You can take a free pregnancy test ... ... and talk about your choices if the test is positive, at CAMISH at Pulse T: 020 7527 1300. Lift and Pulse also offer pregnancy testing and advice on all sexual health issues. You can go to your doctor or…
  12. Thinking about school

    Young children develop and change very quickly. Many children who have additional needs in the early years will make good progress and will not need more support when they start primary school. Some with additional needs may need further support when they start school.  Schools…
  13. Transition Pathways

    Islington Council and Health partners are committed to developing clear and transparent pathways with service users to support young people with SEND who may need ongoing care and support to move seamlessly into adult services. Over the next 12 months’ partners will be developing an…
  14. Transport to School and College

    Children and young people that have an Education, Health and Care Plan may be able to get help from the Council to support them with their travel to and from school or college. This will depend on a number of factors including their needs, their…
  15. Travel and transport

    There are many different ways to travel using lots of different forms of transport If you want to go and explore more than your own area, you need to know how to travel around safely, on time and using the best method available. This section…
  16. Travel Training

    Travel training helps children and young people gain the skills that help them travel safely and independently. We have been working closely with Action for Kids who have produced a Travel Training Toolkit designed to support young people with autism or a disability to develop…
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