Articles (425)

  1. Holidays - childcare and things to do

    Holiday childcare playschemes operate each holiday, apart from Christmas.  If you need information and advice about support with childcare costs, including tax-free childcare or childcare through Universal Credit, contact Islington's Family Information Service, 020 7527 5959; or visit  Free holiday activities with lunch are…
  2. Holidays and Trips

    Tourism for All (TFA) have a website with travel advice, transport information and is a useful directory that lists places to visit, accommodation to stay in and much more. Open Britain is a directory of accessible accommodation and travel in the UK. It’s available online…
  3. Home and family

    Support for you and your family Most families have problems at some time. This can include a serious illness, a death, money problems, family members not getting on, or finding it difficult to talk about problems. All this can affect you in different ways and…
  4. Homeless, or thinking of leaving home?

    If you are thinking of leaving home and want to talk to someone about it ... ... you can contact Childline, a free confidential helpline for young people T: 0800 1111. If there are problems at home and you have moved out and are homeless, there…
  5. Homeless?

    If you are homeless or feel you cannot continue living at your present address because of difficulties at home, get advice straight away. Living on the streets can be dangerous, there are people that can help you find somewhere safe to stay, look at the…
  6. Homelessness

    If you are homeless or are likely to be become homeless in the near future you can contact the Housing Aid team for some initial advice and assistance. You can also look in the 'Support for Homeless People' category in Links for Living for useful…
  7. Homeworking

    People work from home for all kinds of reasons doing a range of jobs They work across many sectors, for example admin and secretarial work, call centre work, childminding, computing, hairdressing, home tutoring, manufacturing, online sales, pet minding or product parties. More people are working from home…
  8. Honours degrees

    There are many types of degree including ... Bachelor of Arts (BA) Bachelor of Science (BSc) Bachelor of Laws (LLB) Bachelor of Education (BEd) Bachelor of Engineering (BEng) Degrees are offered by colleges and universities in a huge range of subjects, for example: vocational, such…
  9. Hospitals

    If you, or someone you know, needs hospital treatment or tests, you now have a wide choice as to where and when you get it. You have free choice for hospital treatment and can choose to get treatment from any NHS hospital in England and…
  10. Housing Network

    In a housing network you will live in your own home, which is usually a council or housing association flat. There will be other people living in flats nearby who are also part of the housing network.Housing networks are for people with learning disabilities who…
  11. Housing Repairs

    If you need repairs to your home this web page gives information about who to contact to arrange repairs.Council tenantsYou can find out how to report repairs on our webpages. There are different ways to report a repair depending on who manages your property.If you…
  12. How is my child with SEND supported in school?

    Around 5,000 children and young people in Islington have identified Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and most of these are supported in their local mainstream school or Early Years setting. The majority of children and young people will have their needs met through additional…
  13. How to get a needs assessment

    To get a social care assessment please complete our online request for service form. If you need to speak to somebody or can’t complete the form online, please call 020 7527 2299, 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. If you need urgent help, call 999. Please…
  14. How to use the Local Offer

    Following consultation with parents and carers we have organised the Local Offer in to six areas Special Educational Needs, Health, Family Support and Social Care, Becoming an Adult, Life and Leisure and Information, Advice and Support. If you click on the subject headings, you will…
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