Articles (425)

  1. SEND Outcomes Framework

    Focus on outcomes All plans should be written in collaboration with, parents, children and young people. They should be outcomes driven. Plans should not be about input determined by a professional, but have has the child / young person at the centre, with the child…
  2. SEND Support Plan

    A SEND Support plan can be drawn up by a class teacher, with the advice of a SENCO where appropriate, to help the parent and the school identify the child's needs and interventions to meet them. It is a teaching and learning plan and should…
  3. SEND Outreach Services

    SEND Outreach Services are commissioned on behalf of Islington’s mainstream schools to an agreed service specification. Their role is to improved outcomes for all children and young people with SEND by helping schools to increase their capacity to meet a wider range of needs. The…
  4. Provision Mapping

    What is a provision map? A provision map is a management tool providing an 'at a glance' way of documenting and showing the range of interventions, additional staffing and support that a school makes available Provision maps enable schools to look strategically at the needs…
  5. Workforce Development for SEND

    The SENCO and the class teachers should decide on the action needed to help the child to progress in the light of their earlier assessment. There is sometimes an expectation that this help will take the form of the deployment of extra staff to enable…
  6. ‘Waves of Intervention’ – Quality First Teaching

    The Waves of Intervention Model The 'Waves of Intervention' model (national Strategies) describes how different levels of intervention can be understood and systematically implemented. Wave 1 (Universal): describes quality inclusive teaching which takes into account the learning needs of all the children in the classroom.…
  7. English as an Additional Language (EAL) and SEND

    ‘Difficulties related solely to learning English as an additional language are not SEN’ SEND Code of Practice Although some children with English as an Additional Language (EAL) will also have SEND, the great majority will not. Data shows that pupils with EAL often make rapid…
  8. Quality Assurance

    The Council ensures effective quality assurance (QA) of provision for children with SEND before and during the delivery of provision. The Children and Families Act 2014 places a duty on LAs to improve the quality of provision for children with SEND. The Code of Practice says…
  9. Pupil Premium

    What is the Pupil Premium? The Pupil Premium was introduced in April 2011 to raise the attainment of disadvantaged children and young people (i.e. those eligible for free school meals nationally). The national allocation to schools is £2.4 billion in 2017/18 (£15 million to Islington).…
  10. Analysing and Using SEND Data

    Data collection and analysis are essential elements in developing a more ‘forensic’ approach to removing barriers to learning, raising expectations and supporting the setting of realistic and stretching targets for SEND pupils. SEN Code of Practice The effective use of data helps to support the…
  11. Children's Social Care and SEND

    Where a child or young person has been assessed as having social care needs in relation to their SEND, social care teams: Must secure social care provision which has been assessed as being necessary to support a child or young person’s SEND and which is…
  12. The Virtual School and Children with SEND

    The Virtual School has prime responsibility to ‘champion’ the educational achievement of Islington’s Looked after Children (LAC). The majority of LAC have some form of special or additional educational need - as a group, LAC are nine times more likely to have an EHC Plan…
  13. Further Education and SEND

    Since 1 September 2014, the above institutions have had a duty to: Co-operate with the LA on arrangements for young people with SEND Admit a young person if the institution is named in an Education Health and Care (EHC) plan Have regard to the SEND…
  14. Links to School Ofsted Inspection

    During the inspection: gathering and recording evidence Inspectors will evaluate evidence relating to the achievement of specific groups of pupils and individuals, including disadvantaged pupils, the most-able pupils, and pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities. Overall effectiveness: the quality and standards of education…
  15. Islington's youth hubs and adventure playgrounds

    Islington's Youth Offer includes:  A range of facilities and services for young people, including youth hubs, adventure playgrounds, and loads of clubs and groups. We can also help when things get tough and you need a bit of extra support, or need someone to talk to.  Use Google…
  16. Personal Budgets Explained

    The aim of Personal Budgets is to increase an individual’s independence and choice by giving them control over the way services they receive are delivered. A Personal Budget is a sum of money that a family can use to spend in a way that they…
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