Articles (427)

  1. Travel and transport

    There are many different ways to travel using lots of different forms of transport If you want to go and explore more than your own area, you need to know how to travel around safely, on time and using the best method available. This section…
  2. Travel Training

    Travel training helps children and young people gain the skills that help them travel safely and independently. We have been working closely with Action for Kids who have produced a Travel Training Toolkit designed to support young people with autism or a disability to develop…
  3. Travelling safely

    Travelling in safety only needs a little planning Plan your journey by thinking about it a little before you set out. Check the times of the last bus, tube or train. Keep your valuables, like your purse, wallet or mobile out of site. Think about…
  4. Type 1 Diabetes in Schools

    Diabetes is a lifelong condition, affecting the hormonal (insulin) mechanism controlling blood sugar, causing a person's blood sugar level to become too high. Diabetes has implications for a child or young person’s schooling and learning. Every child with Type 1 will have a healthcare plan…
  5. Understanding vacancies

    Working out what a job advertisement is asking for is not always easy Try to identify the main skills and experience needed and match these with what you have done and are good at. If you can match yourself to a job you are more likely…
  6. Universal Credit

    Universal Credit is a new government benefit for working age people on a low income or who are out of work. Universal Credit is a payment to help with your living costs. It’s paid monthly. Universal Credit is run by the Department for work and…
  7. University and Higher Education

    Higher Education (HE) Higher education (HE) is education for people aged 18 or over, who have successfully completed a level 3 qualification, such as A levels or level 3 BTECs. Higher education courses are offered by universities as well as many other institutions and lead…
  8. Vacancies and job search skills

    Land that job! It may take time to find – and land – the job for you, whether you are 16, 18 or older. Looking for a job can be a job in itself. It is important to keep trying, keep motivated, stay focused, organised, determined and confident. Finding, getting…
  9. The Virtual School and Children with SEND

    The Virtual School has prime responsibility to ‘champion’ the educational achievement of Islington’s Looked after Children (LAC). The majority of LAC have some form of special or additional educational need - as a group, LAC are nine times more likely to have an EHC Plan…
  10. Voluntary or unpaid work

    There are lots of options for volunteers ... ... including work with: older people, children, administration and using ICT, sport, disability groups, the environment, arts and music. People do voluntary work for all kinds of reasons: to get some experience for a course or job…
  11. Ways of working

    There are different ways to work Work doesn’t just mean having a paid 9 to 5 job. Work doesn’t have to be full-time, paid or permanent and you don’t even have to work for someone else. Your job could be: full-time or part-time permanent or…
  12. What are Special Educational Needs?

    From the moment they are born children are developing and learning new skills. They do so at different speeds, and learn in different ways. Some may be slow starters but will usually catch up with other children. Children have ‘Special Educational Needs’ (SEN) if they…
  13. What does an Educational Psychologist do?

    Educational Psychologists work with children and young people between the ages of 0 and 25 years who are residents of Islington or who attend Islington schools. They work in a range of educational settings including children’s centres, early years’ settings, mainstream primary and secondary schools,…
  14. What is safeguarding?

    The Children Act 2004 states that safeguarding children is about: Protecting children from maltreatment, abuse and neglect Minimising risks of harm to children Preventing impairment of children’s health or development Addressing children’s needs at an early stage rather than when serious problems have developed Ensuring…
  15. What is the Equality Duty?

    The Equality Act 2010 brings together under one Act all of the requirements regarding equality and discrimination. The Act makes it unlawful for a school to discriminate against a pupil or prospective pupil by treating them less favourably because of their: Age Disability Gender reassignment…
  16. What is the Local Offer?

    Since September 2014 every Local Authority has been required to publish information about services they expect to be available in their area for children and young people from birth to 25 who have SEND and also services outside of the area which they expect children…