Articles (7)

  1. Healthy lives

    Although it can be tough to do the right things, the benefits for mind and body of a healthy lifestyle are well known: you have more energy. you don’t get ill so often (as a result of a boosted immune system) you feel happier (as…
  2. Lifestyle Services

    Levels of good and bad health are influenced by some of the choices we make, such as smoking, how physically active we are and whether we eat a healthy diet. Healthy lifestyle services support you to identify unhealthy behaviours and find the motivation to adopt…
  3. Long-term Conditions and Self-management

    A long term condition is an illness which cannot currently be cured, but can be controlled and managed by medication, other therapies, making healthier lifestyle choices and managing the condition yourself. High blood pressure is the most common long-term condition in Islington. This is followed…
  4. SEND Outcomes Framework

    Focus on outcomes All plans should be written in collaboration with, parents, children and young people. They should be outcomes driven. Plans should not be about input determined by a professional, but have has the child / young person at the centre, with the child…
  5. Short Breaks Cash Alternative

    The Cash Alternative is a payment made directly to a family so that they can organise short breaks themselves. It is an alternative to the activities and 1:1 Outreach services.  It may be possible to have a mixture of Short Break activities organised directly by…
  6. Short Breaks Offer

    This page outlines Islington’s Short Breaks Statement for 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025. This statement explains the four levels of short breaks services in Islington and the eligibility for each.  Universal Short Breaks Universal Plus Short Breaks Targeted Short Breaks Support above the Short Breaks Basic Offer The…
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