Services in families (1269)

  1. Information for families, Islington FIS

    Free, impartial information and advice for families with children and young people aged 0-25 and the practitioners who work with them.  Phone: 020 7527 5959 (answer phone outside 9am to 4pm)Email: us on Facebook  
  2. Islington Lifelong Links

    Support for looked after children and care experienced young people aged 14-25 Islington Lifelong Links is a new and exciting project for looked after children and care experienced young people aged 14–25. It’s a great way of creating a positive, lasting support network to help…
  3. Islington mental health and resilience in schools (iMHARS)

    The inspiration for Islington mental health and resilience in schools  (iMHARS came while thinking about why schools pick particular interventions, what they aim to achieve, and how they monitor them. Resilience programmes, mindfulness lessons, nurture groups and therapy services are becoming increasingly popular and widespread, but…
  4. Mental Wellbeing in Pregnancy

    Pregnancy can be a really happy and exciting time but can also bring some challenges to your mental wellbeing as you adjust to the physical and emotional changes that you are going through. More than 1 in 10 women (and many men) experience some mental…
  5. Parental Mental Wellbeing

    Welcoming a new baby is amazing and can be a really happy and exciting time for families. It can also be hard work as you adjust to learning how to feed and care for your little one, whilst also recovering from the pregnancy and birth.…
  6. Paying for childcare

    The Family Information Service (FIS) provides information and advice about paying for childcare. You can phone the FIS on 020 7527 5959, or email Childcare Choices, provides a helpful summary of paying for childcare options, including Tax-Free Childcare and 30 hours free childcare. Find out if you…
  7. Registering a Birth

    Legally you need to register a birth within 42 days at the Register Office in the area where the baby was born. Find out what you need to do to register your baby's birth in Islington.
  8. SEND in the Early Years

    It is critical that there is no delay in the early years in identifying the need for, and making any necessary special educational provision. Delay can give rise to loss of self-esteem, frustration and subsequent learning and behavioural difficulties. Early action is crucial to future…
  9. Services for disabled children in Islington

    Islington's Disabled Children's Services are made up of teams of education, health and social care professionals working together to support disabled children and their families. You can find full details of the support services available for families with disabled children on Islington's SEND Local Offer directory.
  10. Setting up a Nursery

    If you are interested in setting up a nursery in Islington, you will want to consider where there migt be a demand for childcare. Islington's Childcare Sufficiency Assessment will give you an indication of which areas of Islington have a need for further childcare. Islington is…
  11. Starting Solid Food

    The first time a baby eats solid foods is a new chapter in your baby’s life and can be both exciting and a little scary. The good thing is that if you wait until your baby shows that they are ready, it will be much…
  12. Working with children

    Islington's Family Information Service (FIS) provides a jobs bulletin (available in downloads) every two weeks showing vacancies with nurseries, schools, and all children and young people's services.  If you would like to subscribe to the jobs bulletin, please email including your phone number in the…
  13. Worried about a child?

    If you are worried about a child, that they may be experiencing neglect or abuse, whether it is a family member or someone living nearby, phone 020 7527 7400 at any time. Alternatively, you could speak to a teacher, headteacher, health visitor, school nurse or GP.…
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