Services in send local offer (594)

  1. Further Education and SEND

    Since 1 September 2014, the above institutions have had a duty to: Co-operate with the LA on arrangements for young people with SEND Admit a young person if the institution is named in an Education Health and Care (EHC) plan Have regard to the SEND…
  2. GPs (Doctors / General Practitioners) in Islington

    General Practice provides a holistic service to all their registered patients, whatever their needs or circumstances. Services available include: routine proactive care urgent and acute care for everyone maternity care delivery of the healthy child programme care for people in their last years of life.…
  3. Holidays and Trips

    Tourism for All (TFA) have a website with travel advice, transport information and is a useful directory that lists places to visit, accommodation to stay in and much more. Open Britain is a directory of accessible accommodation and travel in the UK. It’s available online…
  4. Hospitals

    If you, or someone you know, needs hospital treatment or tests, you now have a wide choice as to where and when you get it. You have free choice for hospital treatment and can choose to get treatment from any NHS hospital in England and…
  5. Housing Network

    In a housing network you will live in your own home, which is usually a council or housing association flat. There will be other people living in flats nearby who are also part of the housing network.Housing networks are for people with learning disabilities who…
  6. How is my child with SEND supported in school?

    Around 5,000 children and young people in Islington have identified Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and most of these are supported in their local mainstream school or Early Years setting. The majority of children and young people will have their needs met through additional…
  7. How to use the Local Offer

    Following consultation with parents and carers we have organised the Local Offer in to six areas Special Educational Needs, Health, Family Support and Social Care, Becoming an Adult, Life and Leisure and Information, Advice and Support. If you click on the subject headings, you will…
  8. I'm worried my child has SEN

    It is important to identify children who do have special educational needs (SEN) as early as possible. This ensures they get the help they need to learn and develop to the best of their ability. If your child has SEN, they may need extra help…
  9. Independent advice and support

    Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information, Advice and Support Services (SENDIASS) provide advice and information to children with SEN or disabilities, their parents, and young people with SEN or disabilities. They provide neutral and factual support on the special educational needs system to help the…
  10. Information Sharing and Confidentiality

    Practitioners recognise the importance of information sharing, but in some situations may feel constrained by uncertainty about when they can do so lawfully. This is especially so in early intervention and preventative work, where information sharing decisions may be less clear than in safeguarding or…
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