Services in special educational needs (306)

  1. Person Centred Planning

    Person Centred Planning discovers and acts on what is important to a person. It is a process for continual listening and learning, focussing on what is important to someone now and in the future, and acting on this in alliance with their family and their…
  2. Personal Budgets Explained

    The aim of Personal Budgets is to increase an individual’s independence and choice by giving them control over the way services they receive are delivered. A Personal Budget is a sum of money that a family can use to spend in a way that they…
  3. Preparing for adulthood EHC Plan reviews

    All EHC Reviews taking place from Year 9 and onwards must include a focus on preparing for adulthood, including employment, independent living and participation in society. This transition planning must be built into the EHC plan and where relevant should include effective planning for young…
  4. Prevalence of SEND in Islington schools

    According to the Summer Term 2017 School Census, there were 4,618 children in Islington schools with a SEND (18.5% of all Islington pupils). 3.6% of children in Islington schools had an Education, Health and Care Plan. Both figures are higher than national, London and statistical…
  5. Provision Mapping

    What is a provision map? A provision map is a management tool providing an 'at a glance' way of documenting and showing the range of interventions, additional staffing and support that a school makes available Provision maps enable schools to look strategically at the needs…
  6. Pupil Premium

    What is the Pupil Premium? The Pupil Premium was introduced in April 2011 to raise the attainment of disadvantaged children and young people (i.e. those eligible for free school meals nationally). The national allocation to schools is £2.4 billion in 2017/18 (£15 million to Islington).…
  7. Quality Assurance

    The Council ensures effective quality assurance (QA) of provision for children with SEND before and during the delivery of provision. The Children and Families Act 2014 places a duty on LAs to improve the quality of provision for children with SEND. The Code of Practice says…
  8. Role and Responsibilities of all Teachers

    The Council recognises has an expectation of participation, fulfilment and success for all our children. Planning for progression and differentiation are fundamental to successful teaching and learning. High expectations of progress must apply to all children working above, at, or below age-related expectations, including those who have SEND.…
  9. The Role of Governors

    Duties of Governing Bodies for SEN Governing Bodies have statutory responsibilities for pupils with SEND – they are set out in primary and secondary legislation The governing body must do its best to ensure that the school makes the necessary provision for every pupil with SEND…
  10. The Role Teaching Assistants (TAs)

    'Deployment and Impact of Support Staff' by the Institute of Education (2009) reported on a five year study of 8,200 children.  The study found that children who received the most support from TAs consistently made less progress than similar children who received less TA support.  'There has been…
  11. School Attendance and SEND

    Despite progress in recent years, both primary and secondary phases in Islington currently perform poorly in terms of school attendance in comparison with statistical neighbours. Children with SEND have higher patterns of non‐attendance; our aim is at least 96% attendance for all children. In 2016‐17,…
  12. School SEND Information Report

    The SEN Code of Practice says that Governing Bodies must publish information on their websites about the implementation of their SEND policy. The information published must be updated annually, with any in-year changes updated as soon as possible.
  13. SEN Governance in Islington

    The process of governance (or making policies and monitoring how effective they are) takes place at various levels across the Council. The SEN Governance Map provides details of all the Boards and groups which all contribute to the governance of SEN provision for children and young people…
  14. SEN Support in Islington - Behaviour Handbook

    The Behaviour Handbook for Islington schools outlines approaches and interventions which encourage and allow inclusion and reduce the risk of exclusion. Within the universal offer, which underpins the layers of support and intervention, is an understanding and ethos which supports the ideals of inclusion. It…
  15. SENCos in Early Years Provision

    Nursery schools that are maintained by the local authority must ensure that they have a Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo) who is a qualified teacher.  The Early Years Foundation Stage Framework requires other Early Years providers to have arrangements in place for meeting children’s SEN. …
  16. SEND in the Early Years

    It is critical that there is no delay in the early years in identifying the need for, and making any necessary special educational provision. Delay can give rise to loss of self-esteem, frustration and subsequent learning and behavioural difficulties. Early action is crucial to future…
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